Books on the Counts of Toulouse and TripoliThe following are books dealing with the House of Toulouse, its relations with other sovereign houses of Europe, and its role in European history. Where there is an accompanying button, you can click on it to go the Amazon site, or in some cases other third party sites, to see more information, read reviews and purchase copies of the book in question. |
Raymond IV Count of ToulouseJohn Hugh Hill
Les comtes de Toulouse et leur entourage: XIIe-XIIIe siècles : rivalités, alliances et jeux de pouvoir (Bibliothèque historique Privat) (Unknown Binding)Laurent Macé Only available in French. An excellent book, but very detailed and probably of interest only to historians and medieval enthusiasts.. |
Ermengard of Narbonne and the World of the TroubadoursFrederic L Cheyette Despite its academic genesis, this is a wonderful book dealing with the world of Occitania - Occitan culture, the Counts of Toulouse and other local rulers, the troubadours and even the Cathars. The author manages to combine the highest standards of scholarship with a sense of wonder and deep affection for his subject. Highly recommended.
Kill Them All!
War with the Saints: Count Raymond of Toulouse, and the crusade against the Albigenses under Pope Innocent IIICharlotte Elizabeth
La capitulation de Raymond VII et la fondation de l'Université de Toulouse, 1229-1979: Un anniversaire en questionPierre Bonnassie
Les comtes de Toulouse, 1050-1250Jean-Luc Déjean
Les comtes de Toulouse et leurs descendants les Toulouse-Lautrec: étude historique et généalogique IXe-XXe siècles (Unknown Binding)Jacques-René Magné Available only in French |
Le comte de toulouseRenaitour Jean-Michel |
The Southern French Nobility and the Albigensian CrusadeElaine Graham-Leigh |
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