Books on Languedoc Cooking

The following are books dealing with the local cuisine of the Languedoc-Roussillon

Where there is an accompanying button, you can click on it to go the Amazon site, or in some cases other third party sites, to see more information, read reviews and purchase copies of the book in question.

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Languedoc Guides
Languedoc Maps
Languedoc Cooking
Languedoc Wines
Languedoc Gardens
Languedoc Life & Novels
Learning French
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Cathars and Cathar Wars
Dualism & Heresy
Languedoc History
Counts of Toulouse
Castles & Chivalry
Troubadours & Occitan
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The Ark of the Covenant
Knights Templars
The Holy Grail
The Priory of Sion
The Jewish Kabbalah
The Da Vinci Code
Holy Grail
Knights Templars
French Films

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Hot Sun, Cool Shadow: Savouring the Food, History and Mystery of the Languedoc

by Angela Murrills, Peter Matthews (Illustrator)

 5 stars

A celebration of the joys of food and cooking, Hot Sun, Cool Shadow follows the story of Angela Murrills and the artist Peter Matthews, who travel together to the Languedoc.

The Languedoc is famed for its landscape, legendary gastronomic pleasures and rich culture, stretching from the Rhone to the Pyrennees, it is one of Europe's oldest provinces and one of it's most fertile regions.

Hot Sun, Cool Shadow, is a vivid account of their quest for the finest wines, cuisine and characters. Along the way they discover ancient houses, take in the scenery that inspired great artists like Henry Matisse, retrace the steps of Toulouse-Lautrec, and recreate typical dishes of the region; finally settling themselves in this staunchly independent agricultural region, where life moves at a steady pace under the mellow sun.

Hot Sun, Cool Shadow includes over eighty illustrations by Peter Matthews.



Arrazat's Aubergines

Patrick Moon

Ostensibly an account of working in a top class restaurant in the Languedoc, but actually another excuse for a ramble around the topic of the funny locals and some information on regional food.


Meilleures recettes du Languedoc

Henri-Dominique Romestant

Languedoc recipes. In French.


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